wicked awesome update action.

I’m going to start doing some theme shows, if you have a theme you’d like me to do, e-mail me, post it in the comments, whatever.

Upcoming themes are “Depression’s Got A Hold Of Me” (that’s a Black Flag lyric, in case you didn’t know) and “Uppity Women Unite” during which I’m going to play some of my favorite female artists in honor of Take Back The Night. Sadly I won’t be attending the pre- and post-TBTN festivities this year because, gasp, I have to work.

In other news, there is such a thing as canned bacon. When the baconpocalypse comes, you know what I’ll be scarfing.

Watched the film Smoke Signals in my Fiction Into Film class and it is an awesome movie. The screenplay was written by Sherman Alexie, based on his collection of short stories, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven which everyone should read inmyhumble opinion.

I’ve been listening to The Shins Chutes Too Narrow and The Strokes Room On Fire albums a lot lately. Don’t know why, exactly. Also, I’ve got some Bhopal Stiffs coming in the mail soon so expect to hear them on my show at some point in the near future.

I’ve become obsessed with the Fiery Furnaces so, more than likely, you’ll be hearing some stuff from them, also. I want to play their entire Blueberry Boatalbum but I’m pretty sure I’m not going to subject people to that. Mad props to Jeph Jacques, who writes/draws Questionable Content for referencing the Fiery Furnaces in a few of his comics and getting me into them. They’re still not as awesome as Camera Obscura, who, incidentally, have a new album coming out on April 20th.

Here’s the title track:

That’s your wicked awesome action update for now. Stay tuned for more bullshittery and bacon-flavored madness.

I leave you with 4 Gregs. Enjoy!

HOPE: an observation.

This is just a quick B.S. post before I head off to my Fiction Into Film class.

I like Obama. I’m glad he’s our president and I like a lot (but not all) of the things he’s doing. I don’t believe he’s trying to take our guns away, despite what the right wing fear mongers would have you believe but that’s besides the point.


The HOPE poster Shepard Fairey created for the Obama ’08 campaign is amazing and it moved almost instantly into the realm of iconic…however, the trend of people who have been Photoshopping pictures of themselves in the style of the HOPE poster for their Facebook profile pictures has got to stop.

Okay, we get it, the poster was cool but frankly, the election was last fucking year, Obama is the president now, get over it and do something original (like using a picture of yourself in a foam block pit from your son’s 3rd birthday party…now that’s original.) Besides, most of them look like shit because either these people can’t figure out how to use Adobe Photoshop or, because they can’t use Photoshop they made them in MS Paint.


You hear me, people? Stop it, just stop it now. It’s already jumped the shark, move on to something else. Once someone made the JOKE version with Heath Ledger everything else was instant lame sauce. You cannot top that because that is sublime.

welcome to bacon is my anti drug. your life will never be the same.

Welcome to the inaugural post at bacon is my anti-drug.  My name is Hogs and I’ll be your host on this greasy, hickory-smoked ride.  I haven’t really ever had a blog before (though I had a few false starts) so please excuse the technical fuck ups I’m sure to expose all of you to.

A little background about myself, I’m a student at KSU in Manhattan, KS and a DJ at the campus radio station, KSDB The Wildcat 91.9.  I’ve been listening to this station since the summer of 1996 when I moved to Manhattan…back when it was called DB92.

This site will basically serve as an outlet for information about the show, playlists and various other bullshit I feel like posting.  As Adam Sandler says in The Wedding Singer, “I have a microphone and you don’t, so you will listen to every god damn word I have to say!”

That’s pretty much all I’ve got right now.  I want to give huge props to Brian who is basically my mentor and guide in all things having to do with computers, teh interwebs and man love.  He inspired me to start this site, set up the hosting, created the logo, etc.  Basically anything awesome at this site that isn’t words is his doing and you should thank him for that.